Where I’m headed … wanna come?


Confession time: I’ve been keeping something from you.

Partly because I am so excited about it I thought I might not be able to even articulate it. (Confession part 2: I still kind of feel that way! But I’m going to do my best!)

And partly because I thought that presenting such a large and complex vision might be confusing or overwhelming.

So far my posts have been mostly about Biblical body care, with a few touches on strengthening our relationship with God and emotional wellbeing. And currently my signature training is the Body Stewardship course.

I had been planning to step into each area I will ultimately teach on one at a time.

But I think I planned wrong. More and more, I’ve felt prompted to release the full vision of the powerful reality of femininity I think the world desperately needs to hear and see – in the very least so that those of you who want to address connected areas of your life can get started now.

The truth is, I stepped into my calling and began this business to teach a much more comprehensive picture of what a healthy, holy, and powerful woman can look like, literally and figuratively.

I grew up watching various lifestyle choices, versions of femininity, and relationships play out before me. Some created more peace, joy, and well-being than others, but none were precisely what I wanted to end up doing – or being.

Yet they felt inevitable. Was this – or something similar to it – what I was destined for? Headed toward? Stuck with?

I’ll go more into my story in coming posts, but in brief: in several waves of realization, it occurred to me that the norm was not the necessary. 

In fact, it wasn’t even necessarily – or usually, to be honest – the way things should be, or were supposed to be.

I started to wonder if there was another way.

What if I took great care of my body, with a motivation that was more Gospel mission than competition?

What if I used my appearance to point people toward heaven, instead of distracting them from it, or seeking my own approval or affirmation?

What if I could fearlessly enter an intimate, lifetime relationship with a man and know that no matter what life brought me, God fully had my back?

What if I could walk through the world with a radiant confidence, assurance that I was right with God, fulfillment in living out my calling, and the personal and logistical security to love others overwhelmingly out of an overflowing cup?

As I slowly stepped into this lifestyle and identified what it required of me, I realized each of these pieces were deeply connected. And they all were based on a foundation that determined the health and true success of each endeavor:

A personal relationship with God, and dedication to living by His Word, that stayed tight, healthy, and fun.

I started to look around at the common problems in relationships that people told me about – relationships with themselves, with God, with family, with their bodies and appearance, and with men – and wondered if this type of lifestyle, which I had come to understand but didn’t see taught anywhere, might solve some of these heartbreaking problems for others.

So I started meeting girls for coffee and giving talks to women’s groups, and slowly fleshed out my explanations of how to live freely and according to the Bible in these areas.

It was when several of the women I met with emailed me years later saying that the advice I had shared over coffee was what had given them the courage and the know-how to take risks: to commit to marriage, to commit to a boyfriend, to choose joy or stop abusing their bodies – and they were all so glad they had – that’s when I realized I was on to something, and I knew I had found my calling.

This is the journey that’s led to VLX – which I’ll detail in the weeks to come (including the meaning and story behind those three letters!).

But now, I want to turn to you.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in how the Bible and your relationship with God relate to your body care.

But I’ve often found – and the survey sent out a few weeks ago suggested that this is the case as well – that this area is related to others, and is not the only concern women have by far!

Many of the women I have spoken to long for confidence. For joy and peace. For a dating life or marriage that feels right and brings delight. For a look that reflects who they want to be in the world, and that is fast, easy, and fun.

There’s a need for a passionate, powerful and pure femininity that is completely aligned with the Word of God and that can draw the world back to God more alluringly and effectively than I think we realize. This is what I call the ‘Biblical Bombshell.’

A woman who is in but not of the world in a jaw-droppingly stunning way – and through this very grace and appeal delivers the bombshell news of the Gospel to a broken world seeking hope and a beauty that will never fade.

This is what I continue to strive to be and become – and what I have heard and realized many, many women of all ages deeply long to be, even if they’re not sure how to articulate it.


Holy and right with God.

Fearless and worry-free.

Stunning, with and without makeup, hair, and outfit looks that fit them perfectly.

Kind – consistently and even under pressure – but not swayed by pressure or popularity.

Fully confident, joyful, irresistible and herself around men.

Deeply sexual, delighted by it, and totally pure.

Mischievous, playful, in love with pure pleasures and the wonders of creation, and always glorifying God.

Does this sound like what you’ve been looking for?

Here’s what I’m planning:

In a few weeks, I’m throwing a party (woohoo!!)

Andin case you’re worried you won’t be able to fly in and make it – you don’t have to! It will be hosted online, so you can join me from anywhere in the world.

I’ll be introducing and discussing the concept of the Biblical Bombshell, describing all 12 pillars of this powerful and alluring woman – and answering all of your questions!

After this, I’ll be doing a training on each individual pillar, breaking it down and explaining what each one is, why it’s so critical, and how and when to fit each into our lives. These trainings will be shaped by the questions of the women who join in on this journey, and will later be shaped into a course, a series of retreats, and various other amazing ways to help us learn and really live this.

So here’s how this will work.

The party will be free (of course!), and I’d love to have you invite any other friends who you feel would love this content and vibe! Send them to my soirée page at jackiedixon.org/soiree.

The 12 trainings to follow that party will be offered at that online party for $97. After the party, the recordings will be available as a package for $197.

If you already know this is what you’re looking for, I am, per my usual, super pumped to let you in for a pre-sale price of $87, which will go away before the party begins. (If you miss it, and the party reminds you that you want it, no worries, $97 is still a pretty sweet deal!)

Here’s why: when I begin a new training course and direction, I love having a group of women on board who are with me on the journey from the beginning. I love getting their feedback, getting to know them and help them more powerfully, and shaping the content to best meet their needs.

So, as with the Body Stewardship course, the girls who jump on this now will be ‘grandfathered’ (or grandmothered?!) into the large-scale course that it will blossom into, and all bonuses added in the future, for the original price of $87, $97, or $197, (depending on whenever you jump in)!

If you want in right now for the lowest price, grab your spot right here.

If you feel that this is not only what you’ve been looking for, but you want as much of it as you can get, I’ll let you in on a secret:

I’m also working on a special coaching package to help individual women release their inner Biblical Bombshell that will be six sessions over three months, via Skype, beginning with a personal analysis of your current power and joy level in each of the 12 areas, and then working to see major transformation in the areas you most want to focus on.

Post-party, I’ll be offering this coaching package for $600. Pre-party, you can grab it for $297 (which is less than $50 per session – that’s pretty sweet). If you want in, grab your place here.

In coming weeks, I’ll be talking more about what we’ll be covering, but I know some of you have been asking for this and wanted to jump in on it asap. And who am I to hold you back from who you were born to become?

I can’t wait to be on this journey with you, beautiful. 🙂

Love and Freedom,


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